About Daman & Diu

I.T. Department Daman & Diu

About Information Technology

Department of Information Technology is working to put technology to its highest and best use throughout Daman and Diu Departments/Autonomous Bodies to improve the administration of programmes and services. Providing guidance on techni

cal matters to Departments, vetting IT projects and taking Department on achieving IT Road Map are the basic jobs of Department of Information Technology. Overall the department of Information Technology concentrates over the Core Information technology Infrastructure and e-Governance projects of DietY, including various Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under NeGP, Govt. of India

Notice Board

Daman & Diu e-Governance Society (DDeGS)

The prime objective of the Daman & Diu Union Territory e-Governance Society(DDeGS) is to administer the implementation of e-Governance project for the overall benefit of the citizens and public by setting up the necessary administrative, financial, legal and techical framework, implementation mechanism and resources in the Daman & Diu.

Projects (Core IT Projects & MMPs)
01. UT- Data Center
02. UT- WAN
03. e-District
04. SSDG
05. SSK(Saral Seva Kendra) CSC

Organizational Structure

Designation Name
Administrator / Chairman (DDeGS)  
Secretary (IT) / Vice- Chairman(DDeGS) Ms. Ankita Anand, IAS
Director (IT), DD & DNH / MS(DDeGS) Shri S. Krishna Chaitanya, DANICS
Asst. Director (IT), DD Dr. Aruna Govada PHD.(BITS-PILANI)
Shri Krishna Kumar P.K.


Department of Information Technology
Behind Post Office
Old DIC Building
Fort Area , Moti Daman
Daman - 396220
Tels. : 0260 - 2230003
email-id : ddegs-dd[at]nic[dot]in
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